Refresh your Browser to be sure you see the latest Updates     -   There is no activity in either birdhouses at this time

Update July 14, 2024
We have removed the birdhouse screen (6/20) until there is new activity in the birdhouse. We have cleaned out the birdhouse hoping that it will be used once more this season. Some birds still do have nests at the beginning of summer. We will post photos periodically of the inside of the birdhouse.

Update June 18, 2024
At 9:45am this morning, a snake entered the birdhouse and destroyed all the nestlings. This unfortunately is not an uncommon occurrence in nature. We did not discover this until 4:30pm this afternoon. We have video playback of the event, but have decided not to show it here. While the birdhouse is located at the edge of a woods, we have not observed snakes in this area before. We will clean out the birdhouse and also install a snake guard for anticipated future nests.

Update June  9, 2024
The fifth bluebird egg hatched about 5am this morning, as confirmed by reviewing our video recording. This was the last egg laid. We are now in the Nestling Phase for this nest. This period for the Eastern Bluebird is normally 16 to 21 days. That means that the nestlings should fledge sometime between June 23rd and June 28th.

Update June  7, 2024

The first bluebird eggs hatched about 2pm and three others later during the afternoon and evening. This was two days earlier than we expected. The fifth egg has not hatched yet.

Update May 27, 2024
Since the bluebird has been sitting on the nest fairly consistently for the past 24 hours, it appears that the incubation period has begun. The incubation period for the Eastern Bluebirds is 12 to 14 days. That means that the eggs should hatch sometime between June 9th and June 11th.

Update May 26, 2024
The bluebird laid her fifth egg in late morning today. We think this will probably be the last one for this nest

Update May 25, 2024
The bluebird laid her fourth egg in mid-morning today

Update May 24, 2024
The bluebird laid her third egg at about 8:50am this morning

Update May 23, 2024
The bluebird laid her second egg at about 8am this morning.

Update May 22, 2024
The bluebird laid her first egg today at 8:58am.

Update May 21, 2024
It appears that the nest is about compete. We could expect an egg any day now.

Update May 17, 2024
The Bluebirds began placing nesting material in the birdhouse early this morning. It looks like we will have a second nest this season.

The Second Nest of the 2024 Season
A Bluebird Nest in Birdhouse #1

May 17, 2024  Bluebirds began placing nesting material in the birdhouse
May 22, 2024  The bluebird laid her first egg at 8:58am
May 23, 2024  The bluebird laid her second egg about 8am
May 24, 2024  The bluebird laid her third egg about 8:50am
May 25, 2024  The bluebird laid her fourth egg in mid-morning
May 26, 2024  The bluebird laid her fifth egg in late morning
May 27, 2024  The incubation period has begun
June  7, 2024  Four of the eggs hatched today. The 5th egg has not hatched. The nestlinging period has begun.

The First Nest of the 2024 Season
       A Bluebird Nest in Birdhouse #1

March 15, 2024  Bluebirds began placing nesting material in the birdhouse
March 22, 2024  The bluebird laid her first egg this morning
March 23, 2024  The bluebird laid her second egg about 9:45am
March 24, 2024  The bluebird laid her third egg about 9:00am
March 25, 2024  The bluebird laid her fourth egg at 11:30am
March 26, 2024  The incubation period has begun
April     9, 2024   The first egg hatched during the early morning hours. Two more about 10:30am. The fourth egg hatched about 4:00pm.
April   11, 2024   We are now in the Nestling Phase for this nest. The nestlings should fledge sometime between April 25th and April 30th.
April   15, 2024   The nestlings eyes are now opening
April   27, 2024   The first nestling fledge at 10:39am. The remaining three fledged during the afternoon.
April   29, 2024   The birdhouse has been cleaned out. The bluebirds may return and start a second nest